Monday, November 22, 2010

Exciting News!

Well after 10 months, it has finally happened!

For all you baby-crazed people out there, no THAT has not happened. After many prayers, putting myself out there, countless interviews, and many months frantically patiently waiting, I am proud to announce that Monday after Thanksgiving will be my first day on the job!

I am super excited about this new venture! I will be a design assistant to the principal of the company and I am so ready to get back full swing into design! It was such a blessing to finally get a great opportunity. I submitted my resume in MARCH. Late August, they contacted me with a possible job opening. I interviewed a couple of times in October and absolutely loved them. There was an instant connection and I felt like I was at home. And that was that! I am officially a working girl again starting next Monday!! Thanks for the prayers! Check out their website: Haskell Interiors.

Greg and I did slave work celebrated this weekend by starting Christmas decorations.  We did not getting our tree this weekend, but started making the front door wreath and lit our "little Christmas tree" outside.
'Little Christmas Tree' lit, long ways to go on decorations for Christmas!

I had planned to get the mantel and banister decorated, but I ended up getting a surprise date night to see the new Harry Potter and dinner. A much better weekend than I had planned!

We also planted tulip bulbs in the front for a beautiful yard in the spring
The million tulip bulbs that we planted this weekend.
and re-hayed (yes, I made this word up, we put hay all over the ground in the backyard) to try and slow down the erosion in our back yard from all of the rain we have had. Our grass seed hardly took, so there are large patches of dirt that are washing away. We are going to re-seed after the winter, but just want to keep the yard in good condition until we re-seed.

We watched this last night, one of my favs!

I am very excited about seeing all of our families this week for Thanksgiving. What are you thankful for during this time of year?


  1. Congrats on the job!!!! I need to get on the job hunting wagon...
