So last week turned out to be QUITE eventful. Here's a quick summary of it all:
Last Monday and Tuesday:
Me to Greg "So do you want to find out what we are having?"
Greg "I don't want to, but if it's that important to you, we can."
Me: "Well, I have gotten okay and excited about waiting, but it would be nice to know while planning the nursery. I will leave the decision up to you."
Greg : "We'll see"
Wednesday morning at the doctor's office:
Dr. "So are we still not finding out?"
Me: "It's up to Greg"
Greg "Well we aren't sure. Let's wait"
Dr. "Ok"
Dr. checks the brain, heart, etc.... "Ok, last chance, do you want to find out"
Greg looks at me and says lets do it.
The baby's face is sideways.. You can see the nose and then to the left is the mouth and then the chin. "It" had it's arm covering the eyes during this picture.
And we found out what our little one was. So I sprung into hyperdrive trying to figure out how we could tell our family together- at the same time. Because of we live so far away, asking everyone to come to our house was out of the question. So we decided to have a dinner party at a restaurant in Auburn (about the half-way point for all of us to meet) the next weekend. THEN I realized that my grandparents would be on their vacation and leaving THIS Saturday--THIS Friday night would be our only option for the party,
I had to throw a party in
two days.
I jumped on the phone and hoped that everyone could be there at such late notice-- almost everyone was able to come and we were thrilled.
So Wednesday night I planned and planned and planned- cupcakes would be the surprise. In the center, we would have a spot of icing of the baby's gender color (blue or pink).
I wanted to play a few games just to entertain everyone while we waited for food and to keep the aniticipation up. After looking at different blogs and some advice from friends I came up with quick simple games that were a hit!
How many jellybeans? I had a jar of
jellybeans M&M's that were pink and blue. Everyone had to guess how many pink and blue "jellybeans" that there were in the jar. We also told them that whichever color had more, was the gender of the baby. I never thought that this game would become so funny. People were grabbing the jar and shaking it up to see what color was more.
After salads and rolls, we played the next game. It was the old wives tale predicitions. We had an odd number of questions that are supposed to reveal the sex of the baby. Each question people guessed what they thought and then also gave their answer. After all said and done, the tally was Girl: 7 Boy: 6.
Playing the Wives Tale Game |
Questions that were asked:
1. Is the Heartbeat above 140?
Yes- Girl No-Boy
2. Are your cravings for sweet or salty?
Sweet-Girl Salty-Boy
3. Has Greg gained weight along with you? *Everyone giggled at this one
Yes-Girl No-Boy
4. Can you tell that you are pregnant all over or just in your belly? *This became an interactive question
Belly- Girl All over-Boy
5. Is your belly a watermelon or basketball? *so did this one!
Watermelon-Girl Basketball-Boy
6. Do you have acne now?
Yes-Girl No-boy
7. Do you have morning sickness?
Yes-Girl No-Boy
8. Are your legs more hairy than before? *yeah, I know kinda gross
No-Girl Yes-Boy
9. Do you sleep on your right or left side?
Right-Girl Left-Boy
10. Are you moodier than before? * This was a definite audience participation question, lol
Yes- Girl No-Boy
11. Do you dream of boys or girls?
Boys-Girl Girls-Boy
12. Show me your hands.
Face down-girl Face Up-Boy
13. What do you think you are having? Most women are 71% right about what they are having.
Girl Boy
Yes, I tortured everyone into waiting until dessert until the reveal. Everyone grabbed a cupcake and on the count of three bit into(while most people just cut the cupcake in half)
and saw BLUE!!!
It's a boy!!! This is the video we took and I will treasure this moment! So great!!
it's not uploading-- I will keep trying!
Afterwards, people asked us what we were going to name it---Greg and I thought it would be a funny joke to tell our families (most are BAMA fans) that we wanted to name him Cameron--let's just say this didn't go over well and I would give a million bucks to have a picture of my parents' faces!!! We QUICKLY told everyone it was a joke!
So what an amazing night it was! For anyone who is finding out what their little one will be, I HIGHLY recommend having a reveal party!